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Join HereHow to use Caffeine. Training. Racing. Everyday. A quick Tutorial.
A quick tutorial on how to use caffeine for everyday usage, for training and racing. How much is too much caffeine? How much caffeine is in coffee, tea, soft drinks?
Alcohol Athletic Recovery and Performance. Heart-rate variability reveals.
Quality recovery is paramount for athletes and non-athletes alike. The stress of work and training mounts up...so what do we do about it? A single alcoholic drink, or other approaches?
45 year Meta-Analysis on Carbs in Prolonged Exercise. Our 3 Takeaways.
A recent research paper published on a 45year meta-analysis of research on carbs in prolonged exercise. Interesting themes emerge.
50Mile Champion, Michelle Hurn talks fueling at her Tunnel Hill 50 win.
Join Registered Dietitian Michelle Hurn talks us through her winning fueling approach for the Tunnel Hill 50 Miler.
2 DIY biomarkers to get smarter/sharper on your fat oxidation efficiency.
Get sharper, smarter in understanding how efficient your fat oxidation is. Join Performance Physiologist Dr. Dan Plews as he walks through the why and how of measuring your blood glucose and ketones levels, as a proxy to understanding your fat-oxidation efficiency.
SFuels Founder talks 40 Recipes to Max Fat Oxidation
Helping maximize your fat-oxidation this season, or coming season with 40 recipes, from Mocktails to breakfasts to shakes, smoothies, snacks, wholesome meals, and more.
Dopamine Balance - Feeling Good & Motivation.
What does the SF in SFuels mean? ... what's the next generation of health challenges and 'Spikes' that SFuels seeks to address? Feeling Good, Motivation and Drive. What Neurotransmitter helps to keep our mood in balance and in the flow what stimulates its release? What happens when it spikes too high and then crashes?
Our 3rd video, of our 3 part series - where we finally launch our latest ALL-NEW SFuels product - take a listen, and upgrade your MOJO.
Explore 3 lifestyles, Energy & Cognitive Upgrades & ALL-NEW product Teaser.
We delve into the lifestyle of endurance athletes, professional career leaders, and Gamers, to examine the issues to the approaches they use in trying to upgrade themselves to embrace, rise-up and become more efficient in the endurance challenges of the lives they lead. We provide a teaser, and launch date of SFuels ALL-NEW product aimed at upgrading the energy and cognitive functions of these trending lifestyles.
Dr Dan Plews and SFuels talk new research on Fat Oxidation and Caffeine.
Recently released research from Dr. Plews and team, on the role of Fat Oxidation to performance, and recent meta-studies on the role of Caffeine in Fat Oxidation and the Psychological impact of Caffeine on Athletes.
Matt Kerr - 3 Ironman/70.3 Wins in 2021 - Tweaks, Nutrition and 2022 Kona or Utah?
Matts recent win in Sunshine coast 70.3 Ironman, make it 3 of 3 for 2021 - whats was the training tweaks and nutrition approach he's used through 2021. How about 2022 St George or Kona?
3 Diet Culrptis ImpactingAll-Day Fat-Oxidation
Performance Needs All-Day EveryDay Fat-OxWhat are the CulpritsWhat to Add or Replace with?
Top-End Performance on Low-Carb
How do some of the world's best athletes live and train Low-Carb and yet deliver amazing top-end performances? Since the beginning of Low-Carb High-Fat nutrition protocols for athletes, there has been a question on Top-End Zone5+ performance...whats the background to this
The Numbers Behind Bonking
Taking real-world athlete data and showing why endurance athletes commonly hit the wall and bonk, 3-4hours into a race...and how real world athletes TRANSFORM their fat-oxidation efficiency, and race performances - through 2 Key Methods.
THE ALL-NEW SFuels Product
Part 2 of our Make your Day Break your Day series, where we Launch the latest ALL-NEW SFuels product Keto3. We walk through the formulation, the nutrition, and the awesome versatility for using Keto3 as a Museli, a Granola, or a hot cereal.
Part 1: All-New Product Launch
Processed breakfast cereals - how they cause havoc in the morning and can impact your whole day. 3 ways to Fix it - 3 ways to clean up classic cereals, and how to choose fruits best. Part 1 of Part 2 Series, and SFuels All New Product Launch.
Coaches and Athletes Metabolic Flexibility Support Program
Listen to Dr. Dan Plews and Dr. Michael Oldham talk through the key tenets of Metabolic Flexibility, with lab, and research data of athletes.
Dr. Dan Plews - One race on sugar, the post-race impact.
How to manage protein on a Low Carb lifestyle, with Dr. Dan Plews.
Join Ironman Age group world champion Dr. Dan Plews answering questions on protein consumption on a low carbohydrate lifestyle.
Kona Insights. Dave Scott on T1/T2 Nutrition in Ironman Racing.
Join 6X Times World Ironman Champion on nutrition best practices of Transition 1 and Transition 2 in your Ironman race.
Kona Insights - The Last 2 Weeks Before Race Day.
Are you gearing up for Kona? Learn how the top athletes are preparing from Dave Scott 6x World Champion!
Kona Insights: Dave Scott 3 Weeks before Ironman Racing
Join 6X Times World Ironman Champion on nutrition best practices coming into your Ironman race.
Dave Scott on Low-Carb Endurance and Inflammation
What to expect in terms of better recovery, less inflammation while training low-carb for endurance sports. What's the typical % and grams for Low-Carb High-Fat and Ketogenic lifestyle?
Dr. Dan Plews High Fat Oxidation vs. Lower Fat Oxidation: What to expect in an Ironman?
Comparing two similar sized athletes, with two similar VO2Max scores - but different fat-oxidation rates: What Happens in an Ironman?
100Mile World Record Holder - talks Long Slow Distance, Tapers, and LCHF.
Zach Bitter, talks through his opinion on Long Slow Distance as prep for ultras, his race-taper and fueling low-carb high-fat to maximize your results.
High-Intensity Interval Training for endurance athletes: Why. How to Fuel.
Listen to SFuels' Dr. Dan Plews on the physiology behind HIIT, how it helps endurance athletes, his favorite HIIT sessions and his fueling recommendations.
Ultra endurance athletes and Doctors talking why Low-Sugar Fueling
Here from Ironman athlete, Dr. Dan Plews, Ultra trail runner Dr. Francesca Conte and 24Hour Ultra runner Prof. Carey Stoneking talking the key drivers behind the movement to low-sugar fueling.